Location: I would never play off Occupy Wall St. for my guild name
Guild: We Are the 1 Percent
Profession: Me/
Canthan Staves - Questions? Here Is What I have Learned Over The Years Of Collecting
Let me start by saying this I am writing this to give an update to my old version of this guide which can be found hidden in the spoiler at the bottom. If you don't know much about staves, I suggest reading it. But the information in the up to date version will be more applicable to people buying and selling the staves. I talk about 20/10 vs 20/20 and stuff like that in the hidden spoiler section at the bottom. That information is all still valid.
Again, this is my guide as if I were the GW god. Feel free to disagree in comments. But I have been collecting and interested in these staves for many years... this is all accurate to my knowledge.
I will give 2 hierarchies. One for Rarity of the OS Version as to obtaining it and one for prices. Because there is a slight difference in my opinion. There is some debate as to the hierarchy of staff skins in terms of rarity and price - feel free to post yours, I know there used to be a thread about this. But here is mine:
This hierarchy will be slightly different than the one in the spoiler. I think this more accurately reflects the current state of guild wars. After I post the hierarchy, I will justify and point out my changes.
RARITY - This is my order:
1. Platinum
2. Dragon
3. Zodiac
4. Celestial
5. Bo
1. You may remember last time that between Dragon and Zodiac I had the words "HUGE DROP OFF IN RARITY." I dropped this. I no longer think that Dragon and Platinum are way way rarer than Zodiac, Celestial, and Bo. I think they are slightly rarer.
Now I will note the changes and hierarchy for prices. Then I will justify my changes.
1. Dragon
2. Platinum
3. Zodiac
4. Bo
5. Celestial
1. I got rid of all "BIG DROP OFF IN PRICES." I think the prices of the skins are closer now. That is not to say that the bottom came up, I think the price of the top 2 (Dragon and Plat) have dropped in price a lot.
2. I no longer have a 1a and 1b on dragon and plat. I think dragon is the winner in price, even if plat is the winner in rarity. I think that Dragon is still the most expensive. But I think a dragon in 2015 is worth 50% ish of what it was worth in 2014 or 2013. EXCEPTION: Fire. Until someone shows me another fire one, I think a fire dragon staff is still worth 1750e++++. But I think that is the only one that defies my new thoughts I think.
The answer is very simple. There has been a massive increase of supply in Dragon, Platinum, and Bo staves in guild wars since I last wrote this guild.The reason for this massive supply increase is botting a farm in WoC I believe.
I can name a good 5 or 6+ 20/20 Dragon Staves that have been listed for sale or price checked in the past month or 2... I'll name them here -
q9 DF 20/20 Prot
q10 DF 20/20 Prot x2
q9 Commun 20/20
q10 DF 20/20 Heal
I remember seeing a couple others in game, but I'm on rather infrequently and I can't remember those, my apologies.
You might say 5 or 6 20/20 Dragon Staves in a few months... so what? Around 2013ish, I spent a whole year spamming in guild wars and on guru to buy ANY 20/20 Dragon Staff and how many did I get for that first almost year? 0. Why? Because there were none. I was offering a lot of money for them. And now all of a suddenly there is a huge supply surplus. Something is fishy.
It's not just Dragon Staves. There is a lot more 20/20 Platinum and Bo Staves as well. Consequently, those are the 3 skins that are farmable on the WoC bot farm.
* Note I'm not saying that anyone that is selling or asking a price on a 20/20 dragon staff bottled it. I'm saying that something in general is fishy that there are so many around now. Especially considering how inactive guild wars has become. Something isn't right. I don't think they are worth as much as now as I used to think they are.
That is the reason I updated this post. I told people that I thought Dragon/Platinum staves were worth a shit ton in 20/20. I don't think they are anymore. So I'm correcting myself for 2015+. I think they are worth a lot. But not a shit ton.
A couple of years ago, a q10 DF 20/20 Prot Dragon Staff would have sold for double or triple what the last couple have sold for now I think - to use that as an example. Same with the q9 version...
Rant over.
OLD VERSION - PRE August 2015.
Let me start by saying this I am writing this to combat false information being used to manipulate prices through fake trades and fake screenshots.
This is my guide as if I were the GW god. Feel free to disagree in comments. But I have been collecting and interested in these staves for many years... this is all accurate to my knowledge.
So I will start from the basics. Canthan Staves are different than Tyrian because in Tyria a staff drops with only 1 req (except shadow, ghostly, raven). You get a Jeweled Staff and it only has an Illusion req. In Cantha, you get a Zodiac or Dragon Staff and it can have many many different reqs.
Because of this, think about the statistics and the randomness involved in getting a nice staff. To get a 20/20 illusion Jeweled Staff in Tyria, there is 1 degree of randomness - the 20% HCT Illu on the inherent is the only degree - call it probability P where P is a number much less than 1. If you want to get a 20/20 illusion Zodiac or Dragon Staff, there are 2 degrees of randomness - so the probability would be P^2. The req and the inherent are both random. So the probability of a specific 20/20 is not half the amount, its the square. And P is a small small number for 20% HCT mods, so P^2 << P.
20/10 Staves are a much much more common drop than a matching 20/20 because of this. A matching 20/20 has like 15 wrong inherents where you get a non match and 1 correct to get a match. A wrong would be getting an Illusion req and getting a fire inherent. A 20/10 has no wrong inherent, if you get a 20/10, its automatically a match.
Why do I go through all this chatter? Because people are asking crazy prices for their staves these days. Staves that people used to feed to the merchant or drop after ID'ing. The new Guru community deserves to know this.
20/10 Staves are a common drop, matching 20/20 are not. 20/9 staves are merch food. Even a 20/9 fire Dragon Staff is merch food (and I consider a fire Dragon Staff to have the highest value intrinsically of any combination of Canthan Staff combination). You may notice that I have offered 5e ish on 20/9 Dragon Staves in the past. It is because I customize them and give to friends for their friend item collections, not because they are worth anything. The thread where a q9 Earth 20/9 Bo Staff was sold for 300e is a lie (99.99% probability). Yes, I am calling you out. Anyone who is anyone is skeptical of this as everyone should be. I don't care if you have a screenshot, it's fake.
Ok so now on to Canthan skins. I will give 2 hierarchies. One for Rarity of the OS Version as to obtaining it and 1 for prices. Because there is a slight difference in my opinion. There is some debate as to the hierarchy of staff skins in terms of rarity and price - feel free to post yours, I know there used to be a thread about this. But here is mine:
RARITY - This is my order:
1. Platinum - It does drop insc, but I the OS is a very very rare drop - honestly rarer than Dragon in OS (I have dropped fewer plats in my 8+ years on gw), but Dragon is more 'leet' and worth more.
2. Dragon - It does not drop insc, and drops very rarely around cantha.
3. Zodiac - Only obtainable in Elite Missions. It does drop insc also, but the OS ones are hard to find because not many people farm them anymore.
4. Celestial - Easily farmable via chest run in Xuquang, but they do not come insc.
5. Bo - Easily farmable in Chos estate, but they do not come insc. These are so easily farmable that there was a nerf of skills like Necrotic Transversal. It doubled the farming time, but they are still common as hell to get as drops. All you need is a 55 monk to farm these.
I used 1+ and 1- for Dragon and Platinum because they are very close... Some people think Dragon 1 and Plat 2 and some vice versa.
1+. Dragon
1-. Platinum
3. Zodiac
4. Bo
5. Celestial
I switch the order of celestial and Bo for price because people like Bo for some reason - I don't see it. I think the second BIG DROP OFF IN PRICE should be above Bo personally.
Reqs: I personally believe that there is the same probability for any req to drop. For example - P(Fire req) = P(Water req) = P(____ req) = A where A<1. It's all random.
Inherent: If the probability of getting a HCT 20% inherent is H, I would say the probability of a 20/10 inherent is at least 5H. 20/10's are vastly more common than 20/20s.
For example - P(HCT Fire) = P(HCT Water) = P(____ req) = H. P(10% HCT ALL) = 5H.
Probability of req and inherent is the product of the 2, not the sum or division or anything. (Basic Statistics since the 2 are independent).
Obviously the relationship may not be 5x between them, but it's the point, not the exact math that matters.
I PC these staves often and I try to do so consistently, I may have deviated from this, but I am revising all my PC's to this. So what are these items worth in their various stats?
Dragon Staves in 20/10 have generally traded around 40e-50e for q9's.
Platinum Staves in 20/10 should be worth around 20e-40e for q9 (according to an expert I know, I'm no expert in this).
Zodiac Staves in 20/10 should be worth around 15e-25e in q9.
Bo Staves in 20/10 should be worth around 100k-20e in q9.
Celestial Staves in 20/10 should be worth around 50k-80k in q9.
Of course, these are my opinions and I expect some flamers to disagree. But I expect that all of the old school traders would agree with this to first order of magnitude. Of course some reqs are worth more than others. I listed averages. For example q9 fire might be worth more than q9 water. q9 divine might be worth more than q9 smiting. Etc.
Now on to 20/9's - In my opinion these are all crap. Most of us older players used to not even pick these up or merch them or give to heroes.
Ok now on 20/20's - These are the rare ones. 20/20 Canthan Staves are SIGNIFICANTLY harder to obtain than 20/10's. For every 1 req X (attribute here) 20/20 HCT (Attribute here) Canthan Staff, I would guess that 75 20/10's drop and 40 of those crappy 20% condition reductions drop. That is based on assuming 15 attributes of Canthan Staff drops and the probability of any 20/20 inherent is 5 times less likely than a 20/10. As a price rule, I generally think that a q X (attribute here) 20/20 (Attribute here) Canthan Staff is worth 20 to 30 times the 20/10 version. There are some exceptions though.
Exception: q9 fire Dragon Staff 20/10 I pc at 50e-60e. q9 fire Dragon Staff 20/20 HCT Fire I would say is 5000e easy - would have been at one point. So that is a factor of many more than 30. But for reqs like channeling, I think my 20-30x factor holds. Fire is the 1 exception to everything - especially for Dragon Staves as me and many other people have been dreaming of finding one for ages - NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE ANY RARER, BUT BECAUSE OF THE LUCK OF DROPS OVER THE PAST YEARS. q Divine 20/20 Heal/Prot may be an exception also.
20/19's - Sometimes you get a 20/19 matching instead of a 20/20. These unfortunately are worth much less than their 20/20 counterparts. Probably 2-3 times what a 20/10 is worth. Or 1/10 what a 20/20 is worth. I think these are under appreciated for their rarity, but that is just me - not many agree.
This guide is of course a work in progress. I hope it clarifies some things. I don't address Jade and Amber Staves. They are way less rare and pricey than even Celestial. Outcast Staves I have left out because I am not an expert in them. Same with Forbidden. Cockatrice Staves are almost all merch food. Cockatrice are the cheapest staves in Cantha.
Hopefully this guide has some meaning and helps some people become more knowledgeable about these items.
Experts, and you know who you are, if you want to add anything - feel free to post here, send me a message or whatever.
Cheers (By the way, I think this should be a sticky)---[mod edit--sorry we have too many stickies already in PC and this is NOT a pc post so it has been moved to a more appropriate area--mod edit]
** I changed rarity to reflect me sleeping on this and Pleikki's thoughts - Thanks. I'm not including other skins other than the brief blurb at the end as of now.
Last edited by Surge goes pre; Sep 12, 2015 at 04:02 AM // 04:02..
Reason: moved to traders since its an information post and not a pc--mod edit
Good Guide! Only imho rarity vise order should be Platinum->Dragon->Bo->Outcast->zodiac->cele-> Forbidden if u want to mention that :P
Ive had Way less platinum staff drops within my years and tens of thousands chests run in cantha then dragons and any others..
Zodiac idk rly about nowadays but yeah its quite common drop in deep and urgoz, but guess ppl wont farm em anymore. so for rarity it could be higher then bo, but Drop rate wise im sure its more common then bo.
Outcast also is quite tricky, only outcasts drop em (duh) So generally in normal gameplay it would be harder to get then Bo/plat/dragon, but farming/chesting only outcasts, you can get em sometimes. Probably harder get nice one then Bo staff Imho.
Thats my opinion to discussion :P
So just wanted add this here, so heres some statistics from decent Staff drops ive had on my gw career within some farming and around 20000 chests opened in cantha.. These include staffs being good enough for me to keep & resell or such.
Dragon staffs 1 x 20/20 ~10-15 x 20/10
Plat staff 0 x 20/20 ~ 2 x 20/10
Bo staff 0 x 20/20 ~ 3-4 x 20/10
Zodiac staff 0 x 20/20 ~5 x 20/10
Celestia staff ~5 x 20/20 ~50 x 20/10 (merched 20/10's)
Forbidden staff ~5 x 20/20 ~Alot 20/10 (merched 20/10's)
Outcast staff 1 x 20/20 ~5-10 20/10's
I wrote a staff rarity guide years ago but never really finished it. It's somewhere here in Traders Outpost if it has some info in it that might assist you then you could dig it up.
I wrote a staff rarity guide years ago but never really finished it. It's somewhere here in Traders Outpost if it has some info in it that might assist you then you could dig it up.
Location: I would never play off Occupy Wall St. for my guild name
Guild: We Are the 1 Percent
Profession: Me/
Thanks for the kind words everyone . I just figured this info should be out there. I may adjust plat to be more rare than dragon the more I think. But I think people pay more for dragons.
The reason I don't think outcast is as rare as zodiac is you can run chests in rheas and I think they drop more than the shields.
I agree with you on the platinum staves as far as rarity goes Pleikki, but the prices Buzan listed (and I agree on) was probably based on what the market wants, and people want dragon staves much more than platinum staves (strangely imo). I would also drop the Zodiac 20/10 staves to 10e-ish each tbh, but just my opinion.
To my mind Bo & Zodiac Staves should switch places when it comes to prices... Bc ppl are really into Bo's (I've sold some in the last weeks) and they do know that Zodiacs drop in inscr. too, so why pay more if I can buy one for cheap in inscr.? Of course it depends on if its a collector or not but I assume its a thread related to "normal" ppl
Actually its the same with Plat Staves... There a not many ppl who know how rare an OS Plat Staff is bc there are inscr. ones too.
The collectors do know, thats why they are the most expensive ones I dont mind saying they are not, bc they are, I agree, its just that they are kinda influenced by the inscr ones... Guess they could be worth a lot more if there where no inscr ones
And price really depends on attribute... I sold a q9 20/10 Curses Bo for 60e & saw a q9 20/10 DF Cele go for 200e but I cant sell my q9 20/10 Illu Cele for like 70k... Otherwise I cant understand how one can try to get like 1ke for a q9 20/10 Earth Dragon... but well guess its demand and supply
20/19 is kinda hard too... I got a q10 20/19 Dom Cele. Not really sure but I guess Q10 20/10 dom cele could fetch up to 50e but I've sold my 20/19 for 8e some days ago after searching for ages to find a buyer Nowadays its pretty hard to sell 20/19 stuff even if its a Dragon or Bo (Id say plats go anytime bc they are so rare haha) for 2-3x the price of a 20/10 as you have stated
To cut a long story short... I am no collector, more kinda farmer & seller, but I appreciate your thread & just wanted to point some things out I've noticed. Unfortunately I dont trade many Plats or Dragons so my words only fit half for everything. :/
good job there Buzan seems like uve put some effort in it
wouldve done sth like a general rule set for finding os staves, sth like:
1. If its not 20/20 or 20/10 with max dmg and max stats -> insta merch (Exception maybe q9 20/19 on wanted skin such as Dragon/Bo)
2. If its 20/20 with matching inherent its usually worth sth (exception maybe unfortunate combination of crap skin with high req), the lower the req the higher the price obviously
3. If its q9 20/20 with matching inherent u possibly hit it big. Range here goes from 10-20e for basic skins such as accursed staff up to 1000e++ (open end) if its one of the top five skins Buzan listed and here it strongly depends on how many collectors will go for it as well
4. If its 20/20 with a non matching inherent its usually merchfood. Exceptions: the combination is useful and/or the inherent does not come as primary like a DF/Prot combination on any skin. If its a not so useful combination but at least q9 and a nice skin u might get a lil bit for it from collectors such as myself (only for certain skins ofc, depending on the collectors)
5. If its 20/10 it is still often enough merchfood. Here the possibility for a sale strongly depends on two factors: req and skin. If its a rare and or wanted skin like bo/dragon u might even get sth for a higher req, but usually u can merch 20/10 staffs if not at least q9. For the q9 ones u can usually get 5k-20e depending on skin/requirement combi for the standard skins and 20-60e for the wanted/rare skins (the ones buzan and the others listed already). sometimes u can even get more than 60e for a q9 20/10 if someone with to much money wants the skin very much or if a collector is missing exactly this one for his set then.
6. Sth in general for os weapons: If u have sth OS and u cant sell it ingame and are close to merching it, always check guru BUY section first. You never know if there isnt a crazy collector lookin for the exact item! Sometimes 100 ppl tell u ur item is crap but there is one lonely collector out there who will reward u (sometimes with a lot of money) for the exact item and ofc he would be a very very sad collector if u just merched what he might have been lookin for for ages
This was basically what I conclude from collecting os weapons and a lot of staves for years now. Since Ive been very busy with the staves in the last 2 years my experiences in this very area are still very young and up to date Id say
Last edited by Händler; Sep 22, 2014 at 05:30 PM // 17:30..
Location: I would never play off Occupy Wall St. for my guild name
Guild: We Are the 1 Percent
Profession: Me/
Originally Posted by Magentis
To my mind Bo & Zodiac Staves should switch places when it comes to prices... Bc ppl are really into Bo's (I've sold some in the last weeks) and they do know that Zodiacs drop in inscr. too, so why pay more if I can buy one for cheap in inscr.? Of course it depends on if its a collector or not but I assume its a thread related to "normal" ppl
Actually its the same with Plat Staves... There a not many ppl who know how rare an OS Plat Staff is bc there are inscr. ones too.
The collectors do know, thats why they are the most expensive ones I dont mind saying they are not, bc they are, I agree, its just that they are kinda influenced by the inscr ones... Guess they could be worth a lot more if there where no inscr ones
And price really depends on attribute... I sold a q9 20/10 Curses Bo for 60e & saw a q9 20/10 DF Cele go for 200e but I cant sell my q9 20/10 Illu Cele for like 70k... Otherwise I cant understand how one can try to get like 1ke for a q9 20/10 Earth Dragon... but well guess its demand and supply
20/19 is kinda hard too... I got a q10 20/19 Dom Cele. Not really sure but I guess Q10 20/10 dom cele could fetch up to 50e but I've sold my 20/19 for 8e some days ago after searching for ages to find a buyer Nowadays its pretty hard to sell 20/19 stuff even if its a Dragon or Bo (Id say plats go anytime bc they are so rare haha) for 2-3x the price of a 20/10 as you have stated
To cut a long story short... I am no collector, more kinda farmer & seller, but I appreciate your thread & just wanted to point some things out I've noticed. Unfortunately I dont trade many Plats or Dragons so my words only fit half for everything. :/
Sorry for the super late response to this...
The 200e r9 DF 20/10 Celestial Staff was a fluke. That won't happen if anyone else is the buyer I don't think.
Very nice Surge.. In my personal opinion, Bo's are rarer than Dragon's.. but i think this is only cause i just farm luxon sins for these two.. and it seems that they drop dragon's more often than bo's ( just got like 3 Bo's in all my time farming and maybe 20 Dragon's and 3 Plat's (one of them was q9 fire 20/20 :P but i'm sure u know that ) Just got some more Bo's from minister cho's, but they were never max.. sometimes they had like 11-21 dmg or 19% inherent mod and such things + 1 one max Bo from chestrunning in Wajuun Bazaar.. But if u say, that Bo's are not that rare as i thought they are, i believe you 100%
Location: I would never play off Occupy Wall St. for my guild name
Guild: We Are the 1 Percent
Profession: Me/
Originally Posted by deepl3zz
Very nice Surge.. In my personal opinion, Bo's are rarer than Dragon's.. but i think this is only cause i just farm luxon sins for these two.. and it seems that they drop dragon's more often than bo's ( just got like 3 Bo's in all my time farming and maybe 20 Dragon's and 3 Plat's (one of them was q9 fire 20/20 :P but i'm sure u know that ) Just got some more Bo's from minister cho's, but they were never max.. sometimes they had like 11-21 dmg or 19% inherent mod and such things + 1 one max Bo from chestrunning in Wajuun Bazaar.. But if u say, that Bo's are not that rare as i thought they are, i believe you 100%
Thanks man
Bo are definitely way less rare than dragon and plat. They drop fairly frequently in Chos. Maybe your luck doesn't demonstrate that though. They are worth a fair amount cause people like them for some reason, I can't figure out why haha.